{Course Project}

Web Mining and Recommender Systems
• UC San Diego, CSE 158, Fall 2017
Course Webpage
• Keyword: Python, Scikit-learn(sklearn), Kaggle, Collaborative Filtering
• Recommender System
   • Visit Prediction ( 22nd/331 students on Kaggle )
        - Predicted whether the user visited the business based on
          businesses the users have visited before
        - Applied Jaccard Similarity and Pearson Correlation in building
          the machine learning model
   • Category Prediction ( 180th/668 students on Kaggle )
        - Predicted business’s category from its user reviews
        - Built “Bag-of-words” model and word stemming to extract keywords
          from users’ reviews

Woof! iPhone App
• UC San Diego, CSE 110, Winter 2017
Course Webpage
• Keyword: iOS, Swift, Mobile Development, Teamwork
Source Code
Video Demo
• Team: Me, Kim Jasper Mui, Zhiran Chen Renxu Hu, Ye Zhao, Jianhan Xu, Shifan Zhang, Siya Li, Lusha Li, Xinyi Yang
• Woof! is an iOS application centered around dog seekers and dog owners. We split into four main teams for the project: UI, Front-end, Back-end, and Algorithm teams. I was the vice project manager. And my role was designed and built the app architechtures.

Snake Game
• UC San Diego, CSE 11, Fall 2015
Course Webpage
• Keyword: Java, Object-Oriented Programming
• Description: a Java version of the well-known Snake Game

• Side Project, just for fun :)
Source Code
• Keyword: Java, Object-Oriented Programming
• Description: a Java version of the iPhone app 2048 Game